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Published 28 October 2023
Created 28 October 2023
Last modified 01 November 2023


Team A is inbounding the ball from their frontcourt end line. A1, the inbounder, releases the ball towards
A2, who is standing in the frontcourt. A2 deflects the ball, which then bounces on the floor in the
frontcourt before rolling into the backcourt. A3 retrieves the ball in the backcourt.  What is the ruling?

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[{"id":"19","title":"This is a legal play.","votes":"10","type":"x","order":"1","pct":43.48,"resources":[]},{"id":"20","title":"Back-court Violation.","votes":"13","type":"x","order":"2","pct":56.52,"resources":[]},{"id":"21","title":"Out-of-bounds Violation","votes":"0","type":"x","order":"3","pct":0,"resources":[]}] ["#ff5b00","#4ac0f2","#b80028","#eef66c","#60bb22","#b96a9a","#62c2cc"] ["rgba(255,91,0,0.7)","rgba(74,192,242,0.7)","rgba(184,0,40,0.7)","rgba(238,246,108,0.7)","rgba(96,187,34,0.7)","rgba(185,106,154,0.7)","rgba(98,194,204,0.7)"] 350
  • Ross Rainville
  • Sport Barclay
  • Igor Syrazetdinov
  • Rufus Humphrey
  • Brady Styo
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